Therapy Options
Going Above & Beyond for Your Child
Below is a sample of therapy options available at Shooting Star Feeding & Swallowing Therapy. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via email or phone. We will begin to schedule appointments for March in February.

At Shooting Star, we provide individual treatment plans for each patient. Some patients may benefit from an Intensive Treatment Program, and we are happy to be able to provide this. This program is for patients who have very specific goals and want to jump start into these goals. This program varies from 3-5 times per week for a period of 4-5 weeks.

Infant Feeding
At Shooting Star, we strive to support your feeding goals with your newborn baby. We specialize in all areas of infant feeding including bottle feeding, breast feeding, oral aversions, and transitioning from tube feeding to oral feeding. Our therapists are Certified Lactation Counselors, and are trained to support the bonding relationship between feeder and baby.

Toddler Transitions
Some babies have more challenges when trying to transition from bottle and breast feeding to spoon feeding. Other babies have a hard time when trying to add in further textures and chewing. Shooting Star therapists help ease these transitions to promote age appropriate meals allowing for your toddler to love meal time.

VitalStim Therapy
Our therapists at Shooting Star are certified in Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation to help with swallowing. If your child has weakness, low muscle tone, or has been diagnosed as having aspiration, VitalStim therapy may be able to assist your child, when paired with traditional therapy, to help promote improved coordination and strength.

picky & restricted eaters
We want to support your child’s optimal growth and development by promoting them to eat a wide variety of foods and textures. At Shooting Star, we work with your family to develop a plan to help your child learn to try new foods and help bring back the joy of mealtime in your home.

If your child has been diagnosed with an oral aversion, whether that be only able to eat certain textures, or unable to eat anything by mouth, Shooting Star can help. Our therapists are well versed in helping to overcome Oral Aversions and help them learn to eat a variety of tastes and textures.

Tethered Tissues
Do you suspect a tongue tie or lip tie, or has your baby been diagnosed with this? Shooting Star therapists can assist with providing stretches before and after frenotomy and also help promote more functional feeding and breathing patterns.
Please feel free to contact us via email at